Industrial & Safety Supplies

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Safety Products

Body Protection.

PPE is equipment that will protect workers against health or safety risks on the job. The purpose is to reduce foreman exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective to reduce these risks to acceptable levels.

Eye, Face & Head Protection.

It is crucial to protect your head when you head outdoors. It may be uncomfortable and hot, but studies have shown that wearing a helmet can reduce your risk of a serious brain injury and death because during a fall or collision, most of the impact energy is absorbed by the helmet, rather than your head and brain.

Safety Gloves.

Safety gloves are designed to protect a worker's hands from hazards so that they can perform their job safely. Gloves come in many different materials that offer protection against specific dangers.

Safety Shoes.

Safety boots are shoes made with a protective reinforcement at the front making them quite durable. The reinforcement helps to protect the toes from falling objects or any kind of compression.

Industrial Appliances

Air Conditioners.

Air conditioning is the process of removing heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space to improve the comfort of occupants. Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and commercial environments.


Transformers are devices used in electrical circuits to change the voltage of electricity flowing in the circuit. Transformers can be used either to increase the voltage (called "stepping up") or decrease the voltage ("step down").

XLP Cables.

Used in service entrance, feeders and branch circuit applications for residential, commercial, industrial and transportation environments for permanent installations utilizing 600 volts or less.


Durable aluminium-stranded conductors designed to carry electrical energy from one place to other. It is an important component of overhead and underground electrical transmission and distribution systems.

Refrigerant Gas.

High quality multipurpose gas. It is a compound typically found in either a fluid or gaseous state. It readily absorbs heat from the environment and can provide refrigeration or air conditioning when combined with other components such as compressors and evaporators.

Cap Lamps.

Portable, convenient, multi-purpose cap lamps that can be used very well in most situations including the mining sector and related intense environments.

We'll Help You Get There

Whether its safety gear or industrial supplies you desire, we can help meet your business need.